I loved money being spent on me, because I never had it, and it sure feels nice. To have somebody else pay for things I couldn’t afford was a treat. He was my “sugar-daddy” and flew me to Atlanta to meet him on a business trip. He paid for everything. While he was in a seminar, I took the company car and explored. I drove all around the Atlanta suburbs and checked out a great mall. I bought some hot white leather boots with cut-out sides, spike heel, pointed toe, and inlay with studs up the side of the calf. A very sexy boot. I wore them later when he took me to dinner at Pitty Pat’s Porch, a very cool restaurant he knew I’d like. It was an old house turned into restaurant with total southern charm. Seating was intimate and the décor was authentic. Our server had a southern drawl which added to the romantic ambience.
Back at the hotel after dinner, he introduced me to a “Thai bath”. He filled the large soaking tub with very warm water and a special herb solution that smelled great. He proceeded to clean every part of me precisely. It was an underwater massage exploring every square inch. And I let him clean away. He had a firm yet gentle touch that was very soothing as well as exciting. This was sex for personal gain, not prostitution, but promiscuity by choice and it was so much fun. He was so attentive and wanted only to please me. I relished the attention because I deserved a little pampering. I worked very hard after all. I definitely deserved some pampering... Thank you very much!!